“Jeff is a master at holding that future picture in his hands for you until you are ready to claim it.”
For me, I have claimed an entire album of pictures that he has held for me and each time I put one in my album I know he has another one waiting for me to claim it.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so instead of telling you about why I first started training with Jeff I’ll let the picture tell that story.
[The] picture [on the left]was taken in 2007, the year Jeff and I started to work together.
[The] picture [on the right] was taken in 2019, still working with Jeff, it too can tell a story – but maybe not one you would expect.
The picture [on the left] doesn’t tell you that I am physically, mentally and spiritually stronger than I’ve ever been. It may not show you the miles I’ve logged on trails, roads, sidewalks and paths.
It doesn’t show the excitement of coming home and telling my husband I just ran 5 miles and then a few months later doing my first 10K.
It doesn’t show that I can comfortably walk into a gym, squat, bench press, dead lift and push that sled like a woman that is strong knows that her body is capable of much more than she once though it was able to accomplish.
Ann Trehan, February 2021
I met Jeff about 15 years ago, starting when I used to take some of his group workouts at Life Time Fitness. Over the years, he’s done many VO2 tests for me and offered running advice along the way. However, I really got to experience Jeff as a coach when I hired him in 2018 in preparation to run Twin Cities Marathon. He’s coached me ever since. His programming works. He is methodical, research-based, and develops periodized programming that is specific to the runner and their goals. I came out of training fitter, faster and leaner. And wanting more.
There are many things that I appreciate about Jeff. He is kind, calm, extremely intelligent, dependable, patient and sort of oozes this wisdom out of him. Whenever I’m around Jeff, I learn something.
But Jeff’s main impact on me - I’ve come to realize - has more to do with my psychology then my physiology.
Somehow, he finds a way to help me question what I’m doing, and why I’m doing it in a productive way. He reins in my impatience, helps me manage my expectations and challenges my excuses. His genuine interest in understanding how each individual client ticks - mind AND body - is his key to success. I’m so glad he is my coach!
Alice Halvorson, 2021
“Jeff is a special and gifted personal trainer who has positively impacted our family and been a very important part of our son’s life.”
Our son had a severe stroke on his 12th birthday which left him with limited use of the right side of his body. After many months in the hospital, multiple surgeries, and physical therapy, it was time for our son to move forward with his life and his disability. This is when Jeff entered our lives.
He became our son’s personal trainer.
Jeff listened to our son’s goals and desires, then developed a personalized plan. Jeff did this by using his skill and knowledge as a personal trainer. He reached out to our son’s care team at Gillette Children’s hospital to incorporate their feedback into his personal training program.
In addition, Jeff developed adaptations that allowed our son to grip and hold weights even though he had limited movement and strength in his right hand.
The results have been amazing. Through Jeff’s guidance and training our son has developed incredible strength evenly throughout his upper and lower body.
In addition to that, Jeff has helped our son develop his cardiovascular health. After helping him obtain strength in his legs, Jeff incorporated running into our son’s fitness routine.
Jeff’s influence has extended beyond our son’s physical health, Jeff develops the whole person.
Over the last 8 years as our son has grown from a teenager to a young man, Jeff has been there to counsel and guide him. If you see a tall, confident, muscular young man with a limp jogging or shopping in Woodbury, you are looking at the results of Jeff Burkart’s influence.
Patnode, 2021
It was about 3 years ago that my bulging disk started affecting all aspects of my active life. The pain made me contemplate getting surgery, but I was trying to avoid this at all costs. I wasn’t in shape and considered myself a weekend warrior. At 41 years old this was the worst way to be active. I had pain all over and my performance was always a disappointment. My muscle was gone and my cholesterol was a little high.
That’s when I called Jeff I told him I needed help and wanted to start slow so I didn’t get hurt. He asked me about my goals and I told him I wanted to be an athlete and he just laughed and said I was far from it. That's what's great about Jeff, he's honest and gives you as much as you give him.
I’m an avid wake surfer, snowboarder, basketball player and the Dad of 8 and 10 year old boys that always wanna beat dad. This is a short list of the activities I do and won’t ever turn down a challenge.
Jeff started me off slow and the better I got the harder the program got. I adopted a PLAY HARD TRAIN HARD MENTALITY.
Fast forward 3 years and the back pain is gone thanks to deadlifts. I can play basketball with 20 year olds and win. My surfing has become much better. Most importantly I can keep up with my boys and not hurt. This caused my boys to work on getting better at my hobbies and now some of our days are spent racing down a mountain, reeling in big fish and racing down hills on longboards. I'm not saying it was easy but if you wanna compete you have to prepare.
“Jeff Burkart has improved my quality of life and has made being healthy less stressful and life more active and competitive.”
He’s still working on my diet but no ones perfect and his patience is appreciated.
With Coach Burkart in my corner sometimes that’s all I need. Next chapter is becoming a real cowboy gonna get some boots today.
Carry on,
Thanks Jeff
Dave Freehauf
Product Sales
I want to thank you for such a thoughtful and powerful email. I have reread the email and the article several times and each time I feel encouraged and supported.
I have always been impressed with your advice in how to approach any of my several goals that you have helped me to achieve. Whether it be riding up Mt. Lemon in Tucson, AZ or at the gates for my 1/2 marathons…your advice was more about enjoying the event and experiencing it fully - no matter the outcome.
“It is why I always come back to you for training. Because, along with the technical side and training blocks, you have a wise side which connects on a very personal level.”
I have carried that advice, that feeling that you believe that I can do this, as I have done all of the events that we have worked on together.
I go into them not worried about my training because I trust you but also knowing that you believe I can do what we have worked on together. It is one of your many skills and it cannot be taught it only comes from who you are as a person.
So, thank you again Jeff. And now I have to go start the first workout of this week. I will keep trying.
Jeff R.
Jeff Reichel, 2021